How To Measure Your DIY Fence
Product Details
The LiftMaster® Model DDO8900W is a jackshaft door opener ideal for commercial facilities as warehouses and distribution centres with smaller sectional doors with full vertical lift. It is rated for a light use of a maximum of 10 cycles/hour, fewer than 25 cycles/day. Includes a one year free subscription to myQ® Business™.
Project an invisible light beam across the garage door opening and automatically reverse the door if anything interrupts the beam while the door is going down. Sensing technology will stop the door from closing if contact is made with a person or object.
Security+ 2.0 rolling code technology assures a new code is sent every time the remote control is used.
Specifically designed to maintain accurate tension and eliminate "cable throw", which occurs when the cable slips off the drum.
Garage doors and garage door openers can be dangerous if not installed and verified by a professional and not used properly. Children must be supervised by an adult when they are inside or in proximity of the garage.
* Also included: a hardware bag for installation (includes all necessary hardware for installation)
1-button remote control(891LM)
3-button remote control (893LM)
Mini 3-button remote control (890MAX)
3-button remote control (893MAX)
Wireless keyless entry system (877LM)
Commercial Wireless Keypad (KPW250/KPW5)
Automatic garage door lock (841LM)
Alternate mounting kit (480LM)
Dock sensors connection box for myQ Business (LMi5)
Trailer presence sensor (PRE-SENSOR)*