How To Measure Your DIY Fence
Product Details
The HCTDCUL model, as manufactured by LiftMaster, is the ultimate high-traffic door and gate opener for apartment houses and low-profile applications. It is meeting the challenge of today's high cycle applications by providing the ultimate in durability, quiet operation and security.
Security+® The HCTDCUL is equipped with a Security+® rolling code receiver. With every activation, Security+® transmits a brand-new code, one of over 100-billion codes, never to be repeated.
The HCTDCUL includes a key release feature for instant access in case of power failure. And ail components are fully enclosed to greatly reduce the risk of injury.
Garage doors and garage door openers can be dangerous if not installed and verified by a professional and not used properly. Children must be supervised by an adult when they are inside or in proximity of the garage door system.
* Remotes and wall station optional
3-button commercial wall station (02103)
1-button wall station / reset switch APBS1 (K76-33672)
3-button remote control (893MAX)
Commercial Access Receiver (STAR1000)
Single entry access control keypad and proximity reader (KPR2000)
Red/Green traffic light (RGL24LY)
Pneumatic Sensing Edge Kit with exterior air switch (655202 or 655302)
Microwave motion sensor (50-HERK2)
Encrypted DIP single button Remote Control (811LMX)