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REDI Driver Mega107
New! Stronger! Our new family of post drivers are even stronger with their Honda GX50 engines.
REDI Mega107 is the set up with the mega107 guide tube with a 4” ID. this model comes with 2 reducers and driving caps (caps are required with this model; the hammer is smaller, but mighty). this set up is perfect for folks who wish to drive from t posts up to 4” posts.
Accessories you willl want to add to your Purchase
Why Choose the new MEGA line of post drivers from REDI Driver
1. Powered by a larger HONDA gx50 engine
2. More powerful driving force
3. Larger piston and other internals
4. Longer duty cycle
5. Options to drive Postmaster types of posts, up to 3” posts, and some square profiles (multi)
6. No changing of anvils or other complicated adjustments for different post sizes
7. REDI Driver’s 3 year warranty on the post driver components
8. HONDA warranty on the engine directly with Honda
9. 3” hammer with multi-adapter
Dealer & Client Feedback:
We are not only a redi Driver dealer in Sasktchewan, we are also part of the Derkson Fencing Group, and we have been using this 107 Version for the last 6 months & Fining it a game changer in the already impressive gas power driver industry, our installers are driving posts in half the time & increasing site productivity 10 fold, the ability to driver bigger and wider range of posts has cust the the time in half no more chaning of heads to adapr to other post sizes, or Clinents are also giving great feedback on this larger post driver. Most folks are saying it has twice the driving force and is stronger than all the competition out there! Serious impressive tools by Redi driver, Derkson Fencing supply want to get this in youor hands today !
**If you wish to drive postmaster type of posts, it is recommended you purchase the REDImegamulti model which comes with the multi adapter & 3” hammer installed**
Same exclusive 3 year warranty provided by RediDriver®. Honda engine warrantied directly by Honda.